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Staintocton's News

Posted by Staintocton - May 17th, 2023


INCOMPLETE THOUGHTS EP has now released on all platforms!

Special thanks to SkyeNet, chiptami, Alan Mofti, and Absence000 for joining me on this collection, and I can't wait for more to come!


Posted by Staintocton - December 23rd, 2022



Releases on December 30th!

(...and at this point, has already released!)

Been working on it for a decent amount of time, and I can't wait to see what y'all think!



Posted by Staintocton - June 26th, 2022

Hello there!

I'm here to announce that HeartWorm, an endless survival game has been submitted for the Mini Jam 109: Depth(s)! I once again worked alongside Murgn, and it was an absolute joy.

Instead of posting the normal soundtrack, like I would normally do, as all of the songs are extremely basic, I'll be posting the scrapped version of the gameplay theme. (We ended up going with a more bare-bones version of the theme, but I still really enjoyed the scrapped song.)

The game's available on my Itch page, go check it out!

Posted by Staintocton - June 24th, 2022

Hello there!

I'm here to announce that Character Quest, a conversational simulator, and Brick Beasts, a hybrid of match three games and breakout, were both released a few days ago for the Summer Slow Jams June 2022: Character Creator! I helped with both music and SFX on both games. I worked with Voltage/Gabe (who you might remember from Big News!) along with Brother Daniel for Character Quest, and I worked alongside lackhoves, Jeff Weston, Corrin Coffey, and Anya Bogorad for Brick Beasts!

A few songs from Character Quest, and the one song I made for Brick Beasts, will both be available on NG.

Go check both of the games out! There's a link to my itch page on this NG Page.

Posted by Staintocton - June 14th, 2022

Hello there!

I'm here to announce that Carly's Coast, an arcade fighting game, was released yesterday for the Mini Jam 108! I made the entirety of the soundtrack, and it was such a blast to do another Mini Jam. I worked alongside Murgn once again, and _blanketc, both of whom were lovely to bounce ideas off of.

Two of the songs from the game are now able to be listened to separately, right here on NG.

Go check it out! There's a link to my itch page on this NG Page.

Posted by Staintocton - June 5th, 2022

Hello there!

I'm here to announce that Pixel Time Travel, a 2d endless runner sidescroller, released earlier today! I made some of the SFX, working alongside sonofluiz, KoalaPanda, and for a second time, rafazcruz. (Who you might remember as a teammate of mine from Tero Petto)

This wasn't made for a game jam, but instead, we spent a month working on this game for rafazcruz's college thesis, on Visual Representation of Pixel Art! Good luck Rafa!

Posted by Staintocton - May 15th, 2022

Hello there!

I’m here to announce that both Seafood, a puzzle game, and Froggo' Fast, a platformer, have both been released for the Mini Jam 106: Frogs²! I composed entirely for both games. You'll hear some all new tunes in Froggo' Fast, and a slightly extended version of Sundusk is used for Seafood.

Check it out on itch.io, you can find it on my Itch Page. Special thanks to NickP and Unbreakable, who both found me for Froggo' Fast, and to Murgn, who heard my work for said game, and recruited me for Seafood. We all can't wait to see what you think of both games.

Posted by Staintocton - February 25th, 2022

Hello there.

I'm here to announce that Big News!, a typing/memory game for the Buddy Up Jam: Winter 2022 was released back on Monday! I made the soundtrack, featuring a very small amount of songs made specifically for it, as well as the song Township (which was also featured in Tero Petto).

Check it out on itch.io, you can find it on my Itch Page, the team I worked with, consisting of Colekinz, Voltage, Lanna, and I, can't wait to see what you think of it.

Posted by Staintocton - October 24th, 2021

Hello there.

I’m here to announce that Tero Petto, a horror game for the Scream Jam 2021 has been released! I was responsible for a majority of the soundtrack, making some new tunes, and using some of my prior, more popular tracks.

Check it out on itch.io, you can find it on my Itch Page, it'd be nice to see what you think of it. Jadges, RenzIBGaming, rafazcruz and I worked extremely hard on it for ten days straight. Thanks so much for the support so far, and more projects will be in the works.

Posted by Staintocton - August 4th, 2021

On the 4th of August, 2021, a creator by the name of Ausk scouted me, and I am so thankful for that.

Thanks so much for the support I've currently gotten for the music, and I can't wait for you all to see what I have in store.